假设我们观察一个随机向量$ x $从一个具有未知参数的已知家庭中的一些分发$ p $。我们问以下问题:什么时候可以将$ x $分为两部分$ f(x)$和$ g(x)$,使得两部分都足以重建$ x $自行,但两者都可以恢复$ x $完全,$(f(x),g(x))$的联合分布是贸易的吗?作为一个例子,如果$ x =(x_1,\ dots,x_n)$和$ p $是一个产品分布,那么对于任何$ m <n $,我们可以将样本拆分以定义$ f(x)=(x_1 ,\ dots,x_m)$和$ g(x)=(x_ {m + 1},\ dots,x_n)$。 Rasines和Young(2021)提供了通过使用$ x $的随机化实现此任务的替代路线,并通过加性高斯噪声来实现高斯分布数据的有限样本中的选择后推断和非高斯添加剂模型的渐近。在本文中,我们提供更一般的方法,可以通过借助贝叶斯推断的思路在有限样本中实现这种分裂,以产生(频繁的)解决方案,该解决方案可以被视为数据分裂的连续模拟。我们称我们的方法数据模糊,作为数据分割,数据雕刻和P值屏蔽的替代方案。我们举例说明了一些原型应用程序的方法,例如选择趋势过滤和其他回归问题的选择后推断。
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由于黑盒预测方法如随机森林和神经网络的广泛使用,重新开发了用于量化变量重要性的发展方法,作为可解释预测的更广泛目标的一部分。一种流行的方法是定义变量重要性参数 - 被称为Loco(遗漏协变量) - 基于来自回归模型的滴加器。这基本上是一个非参考版本的R角。该参数非常一般,可以非正常估计,但它可能很难解释,因为它受到协变量之间的相关性的影响。我们提出了一种通过定义MOCO的修改版本来缓解相关性的方法。这个新参数难以非视野识地估计,但我们展示了如何使用半造型模型来估算它。
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We develop a general framework for distribution-free predictive inference in regression, using conformal inference. The proposed methodology allows for the construction of a prediction band for the response variable using any estimator of the regression function. The resulting prediction band preserves the consistency properties of the original estimator under standard assumptions, while guaranteeing finite-sample marginal coverage even when these assumptions do not hold. We analyze and compare, both empirically and theoretically, the two major variants of our conformal framework: full conformal inference and split conformal inference, along with a related jackknife method. These methods offer different tradeoffs between statistical accuracy (length of resulting prediction intervals) and computational efficiency. As extensions, we develop a method for constructing valid in-sample prediction intervals called rank-one-out conformal inference, which has essentially the same computational efficiency as split conformal inference. We also describe an extension of our procedures for producing prediction bands with locally varying length, in order to adapt to heteroskedascity in the data. Finally, we propose a model-free notion of variable importance, called leave-one-covariate-out or LOCO inference. Accompanying this paper is an R package conformalInference that implements all of the proposals we have introduced. In the spirit of reproducibility, all of our empirical results can also be easily (re)generated using this package.
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Graph convolutional neural networks have shown significant potential in natural and histopathology images. However, their use has only been studied in a single magnification or multi-magnification with late fusion. In order to leverage the multi-magnification information and early fusion with graph convolutional networks, we handle different embedding spaces at each magnification by introducing the Multi-Scale Relational Graph Convolutional Network (MS-RGCN) as a multiple instance learning method. We model histopathology image patches and their relation with neighboring patches and patches at other scales (i.e., magnifications) as a graph. To pass the information between different magnification embedding spaces, we define separate message-passing neural networks based on the node and edge type. We experiment on prostate cancer histopathology images to predict the grade groups based on the extracted features from patches. We also compare our MS-RGCN with multiple state-of-the-art methods with evaluations on both source and held-out datasets. Our method outperforms the state-of-the-art on both datasets and especially on the classification of grade groups 2 and 3, which are significant for clinical decisions for patient management. Through an ablation study, we test and show the value of the pertinent design features of the MS-RGCN.
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Online media data, in the forms of images and videos, are becoming mainstream communication channels. However, recent advances in deep learning, particularly deep generative models, open the doors for producing perceptually convincing images and videos at a low cost, which not only poses a serious threat to the trustworthiness of digital information but also has severe societal implications. This motivates a growing interest of research in media tampering detection, i.e., using deep learning techniques to examine whether media data have been maliciously manipulated. Depending on the content of the targeted images, media forgery could be divided into image tampering and Deepfake techniques. The former typically moves or erases the visual elements in ordinary images, while the latter manipulates the expressions and even the identity of human faces. Accordingly, the means of defense include image tampering detection and Deepfake detection, which share a wide variety of properties. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review of the current media tampering detection approaches, and discuss the challenges and trends in this field for future research.
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We introduce pyGSL, a Python library that provides efficient implementations of state-of-the-art graph structure learning models along with diverse datasets to evaluate them on. The implementations are written in GPU-friendly ways, allowing one to scale to much larger network tasks. A common interface is introduced for algorithm unrolling methods, unifying implementations of recent state-of-the-art techniques and allowing new methods to be quickly developed by avoiding the need to rebuild the underlying unrolling infrastructure. Implementations of differentiable graph structure learning models are written in PyTorch, allowing us to leverage the rich software ecosystem that exists e.g., around logging, hyperparameter search, and GPU-communication. This also makes it easy to incorporate these models as components in larger gradient based learning systems where differentiable estimates of graph structure may be useful, e.g. in latent graph learning. Diverse datasets and performance metrics allow consistent comparisons across models in this fast growing field. The full code repository can be found on https://github.com/maxwass/pyGSL.
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文本VQA旨在回答需要了解图像中文本提示的问题。尽管现有的文本VQA方法取得了长足的进步,但它们的性能仍遭受了人类标记的问题解答(QA)对不足。但是,我们观察到,通常在现有数据集中没有完全利用场景文本 - 每个图像中只有一小部分文本参与了带注释的QA活动。这导致大量有用的信息浪费。为了解决这种缺陷,我们开发了一种新方法来通过明确利用每个图像的场景上下文中可用的现有文本来生成高质量和多样化的质量质量对。具体而言,我们建议,TAG是一种文本感知的视觉问题 - 答案生成的结构,该结构学会使用多模式变压器来生成有意义且准确的QA样品。该体系结构通过将生成的QA对与初始培训数据相结合,从而利用了未充满激光的场景文本信息,并增强了文本VQA模型的场景理解。对两个众所周知的Text-VQA基准(TextVQA和ST-VQA)的广泛实验结果表明,我们提议的标签有效地扩大了训练数据,有助于提高文本VQA性能而无需额外的标签努力。此外,我们的模型优于预先通过大规模数据进行训练的最先进方法。代码将公开可用。
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已经提出了几种类型的依赖关系,用于对存在规则本体的静态分析,有望对计算属性的见解以及一组规则(例如,基于本体的查询答案)的实际使用。不幸的是,这些依赖性很少实施,因此在实践中几乎没有实现它们的潜力。我们专注于两种规则依赖性 - 积极的relians和限制 - 以及为其有效计算设计和实施优化的算法。关于多达100,000多个规则的现实本体论实验显示了我们方法的可扩展性,这使我们能够实现一些先前提出的应用程序作为实际案例研究。特别是,我们可以在何种程度上分析基于规则的自下而上的推理方法可以保证在实际本体论中产生无冗余的“精益”知识图(所谓的核心)。
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